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The Ideal Labrador Retriever Weight, And 5 Tips To Help Your Dog Achieve It

Labrador Retrievers need to maintain a healthy weight to stay happy and healthy. But what is the ideal Labrador Retriever weight, and how can you help your dog achieve this? Let’s find out!

What Is The Ideal Labrador Retriever Weight?

Labrador Retrievers are big, lovable goofballs that are a fun addition to family life. However, just like any other dog, maintaining a healthy body weight is the key to keeping your Lab fit, healthy, and able to enjoy life to the max.

On average, adult male Labs should weigh between 65-80 pounds, while females should weigh slightly less at 55-70 pounds.

However, this doesn’t mean that if your Lab weighs 70 pounds it is at the ideal body weight! You also need to look closely at your dog’s overall body condition and fitness levels. Two Labs can weigh exactly the same, but be very different in terms of their health and wellbeing.

5 Tips To Help Your Lab Achieve And Maintain A Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight for your Labrador Retriever is easy if you follow these five top tips:

  1. Get your dog moving! Whether it’s playing fetch, going for walks, or running around at the park, exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight. Overweight Labs can get lazy, so you might need to find fun ways to encourage them to exercise.
  2. Poor quality dog food is a false economy, as it will not satisfy your dog’s hunger and can lead to weight gain. Ensure sure your dog is eating a well-balanced diet that meets its nutritional needs, and switch to healthier treats such as apples and carrots.
  3. A bored dog is a hungry dog! Just like us humans, dogs will eat when they have nothing else to do. Leave toys to keep your dog entertained when human or doggy company is not available.
  4. Consider switching to a weight management formula dog food that is lower in calories and fat if your dog needs to lose weight.
  5. Labs can finish their dinner at an impressive speed! Use interactive feeding toys or puzzle feeders to help your dog eat slower and feel full faster.

By following these tips, you can help your furry friend stay healthy, happy, and ready for any adventure. And if you need any help figuring out if your Labrador Retriever is at the right weight, Maven’s vet team is here to lend you a hand!

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