Can Dogs Eat Condiments? Can Dogs Eat Coconut Oil? Coconut oil is making headlines for its supposed health benefits in humans… But what about our pups? Can dogs eat…
Can Cats Eat Carbs? Can Cats Eat Cheerios? A bowl of cheerios and milk is an easy, quick and somewhat healthy option for us. But is it also…
Can Cats Eat Carbs? Can Cats Eat Brown Rice? We all know that cats are carnivores... But are they able to digest carbs as well? Even if so, should…
5 - Deep Dives Cat Grass: Everything You Need To Know It looks cute in a pot, and our furry friends definitely love it... But why, exactly? And is it safe?…
6 - Fun 6 Of The Best Dog Breeds for Kids Behavior, activity, protective instincts... Looking for your kid's perfect canine companion? Here are 6 of the best dog breeds for…
3 - Maven Maven Pet on The Animal Innovations Show – Watch CEO Guilherme Coelho was on The Animal Innovations Show to talk about how Maven will change the game for pet…
Can Cats Eat Carbs? Can Cats Eat Potatoes? Potatoes are enjoyed throughout the world. It’s tempting to share a little bit with our felines, but should we do…
4 - How-To Guides & Helpful Tips Living With A Blind Dog: Tips and Tricks Living with a blind dog can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be hard. With your help, your buddy…
Can Cats Eat Meat? Can Cats Eat Turkey? Should we share turkey (intended for human consumption, like as part of a sandwich) with our feline friends? Can cats…
Can Cats Eat Meat? Can Cats Eat Tofu? Tofu is one of the most popular choices for humans who avoid eating meat. But is it safe for felines…