While macadamia nuts are not used everyday, they’re a common addition in cakes, cookies and muffins. While cooking, you might have wondered if your canine companion could have a taste… So, can dogs eat macadamia nuts?
Can dogs eat macadamia nuts?

Absolutely not – these nuts are not safe for dogs!
Although humans can eat macadamia nuts and benefit from them, this isn’t the case for canines. In fact, macadamia nuts have been found to be poisonous to dogs.
Researchers have not identified what causes this toxicity, but what we do know is that even a small amount of these nuts can cause severe problems.
What are the signs of toxicity?

Within 12 hours of ingestion, the consequences of eating macadamia nuts can typically be:
- Weakness
- Depression
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Ataxia
- Tremors
- Hyperthermia (fever)
A very low amount of macadamia nuts will cause symptoms – in fact, dogs can show symptoms from eating as little as 2,4g per kilogram of body weight. So, even a small bit could be harmful.
Sensitivity to macadamia nuts varies from dog to dog. Some have quite immediate violent reactions, while others have softer reactions. Fortunately, clinical signs are non-fatal and generally resolve within 24-48 hours.
What to do if my dog ate macadamia nuts?

Basically, the very first step needs to be to call your veterinarian, as soon as possible. On the occasion that your pup is showing no symptoms, the recommendation is to proceed with close observation at home.
If you notice that your dog ingested macadamia nuts recently (less than an hour or so) the best is to take them to the vet so they can induce vomiting safely to clean the toxins from the system.
If your dog is vomiting constantly or develops tremors or weakness, they may need immediate supportive care at the vet. Immediate treatment can reduce absorption, so IV fluids, anti-nausea and pain medications could be necessary.
If your dog receives proper treatment in a timely manner, the toxin does not typically cause long-term issues. They will usually make a full recovery within some days! However, if other toxic foods were ingested at the same time (such as chocolate), there can be more complications.
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