Sardines may be one of the smallest edible fish, but in terms of nutrition benefits, they are huge. They are rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, which is wonderful for us. But does adding sardines to a dog’s diet make a positive impact on their health? Can dogs eat sardines?
Can dogs eat sardines?

Yes, sardines make a super healthy snack for your dog! They’re full of healthy omega-3, coenzyme Q10 and protein. Canned, fresh, or frozen sardines can make a good way of supplementing your best friend’s diet. However, for your dog to benefit from sardines, it’s important to choose wisely and serve them properly.
What are the health benefits of sardines?

Sardines are loaded with nutrients like Omega-3s, amino acids, vitamins D and B12, coenzyme Q10, and much more. Besides, they are small and soft-boned, and have less mercury content than other fish.
Let’s dig into some of the most noticeable benefits in sardines:
-Skin and coat health
Sardines are a good source of omega 3 fatty acids. Those can help reduce inflammation of your dog’s skin, restore shine and softness to your dog’s coat, and calm undesirable reactions associated with allergies and seasonal changes.
-Ocular health
The omega-3 fatty acid DHA, which plays a role in eye health, is also included in sardines. DHA supports and protects retinal health and reduces the risk of eye disease.
-Joint health
The fatty acids help reduce pain caused by inflamed joints. Plus, the calcium and phosphorus support your dog’s skeletal system.
-Heart health
The coenzyme Q10 found in sardines is a powerful antioxidant that supports cellular energy necessary for cardiovascular health.
What should I be aware of when offering sardines to my dog?

Canned sardines are sold whole or with bones still in. Those bones are tiny and edible, so you can offer them to your canine friend. These canned sardines should always be salt-free and conserved in water or a natural oil, such as olive or coconut oil.
Bones in fresh or frozen sardines, however, may be tougher. To be safe, try to choose deboned filets instead of whole fish. Also, for safety reasons, and if your dog is not on a raw diet, it’s better if you choose to cook the sardines.
Regarding quantities: one/two sardines a week for small dogs and three/four sardines a week for bigger ones should be a good addition to their diet. Remember to include these sardines in the daily calories of your dog’s whole diet!
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