Can Dogs Eat Vegetables?

Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

Juicy, sweet tomatoes are one of the staples of many people’s diets, and with good reason!  These delicious salad fruits can be eaten in many ways, both raw and cooked, and are packed full of nutrients. But can dogs eat tomatoes, or are they toxic?

Can dogs eat tomatoes?

Dogs can eat some tomatoes in certain situations. However, there are some risks associated with feeding tomatoes to dogs, and we’d suggest that you feed a safer snack such as cucumber instead.

Tomatoes are part of the nightshade family of plants, along with potatoes and bell peppers. The plants themselves are highly toxic to dogs as are unripe green tomatoes. This is because they contain two toxins called solanine and tomatine.

Dogs should never be fed unripe tomatoes, and they should never be allowed to eat the leaves or stems of tomato plants. Ripe tomatoes are not toxic to dogs, but they are highly acidic and can cause stomach problems.

What are the signs of toxicity?

Solanine and tomatine poisoning affects the neurological and gastrointestinal systems of dogs, and may cause the following symptoms:

  • Reduced appetite
  • Wobbliness caused by loss of coordination
  • Muscle weakness
  • Excessive drooling
  • Muscle tremors and seizures
  • Dilated pupils
  • Bloating and abdominal pain
  • Rapid, irregular heartbeat
  • Vomiting and diarrhea

What to do if my dog ate tomatoes?

If your dog ate some ripe tomatoes, there is no immediate cause to panic. A large number of ripe tomatoes may cause a mild stomach upset due to the high acidity levels. One or two smaller green tomatoes may also not be enough to cause a problem, but you should monitor your canine friend closely for any symptoms of toxicity

However, when a dog has eaten a few green tomatoes or any part of a tomato plant, you should seek veterinary advice immediately. Most dogs make a full recovery from solanine and tomatine toxicity, but treatment must be initiated quickly.

Your veterinarian may be able to give your dog medication to induce vomiting, reducing the levels of toxins in the bloodstream. Never attempt to induce vomiting without veterinary advice, as you could cause more harm than good.

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