1.4 - Cat Conditions

Do Cats Sweat? How To Tell When They’re Overheated

How do our feline friends stay cool in the summer – do cats sweat, or have they got other ways to keep their body heat regulated? Let’s find out!

Do Cats Sweat?

When it comes to temperature control, cats have a rather fascinating approach! Unlike humans and many other mammals, cats do not have sweat glands distributed all over their bodies.

Instead, cats only have sweat glands on their cute little paw pads. In fact, during hotter days you may even notice your cat leaving sweaty paw prints on your floors!

These sweat glands do help your cat regulate its body temperature to some extent, but sweating is not a significant cooling mechanism for cats.

Instead, cats have some nifty tricks up their sleeves – let’s find out more!

How Do Cats Stay Cool?

Cats are pretty cool customers – unlike dogs, you’ll rarely see a cat looking hot and flustered. But how do they stay so chilled out even on the hottest of days?

While cats don’t sweat, they do have a similar technique to keep their body temperature stable. They can stay cool by grooming themselves, moistening their fur with saliva in the process. As this saliva evaporates from the fur, it takes heat away with it. If you’ve ever noticed your cat grooming itself more than usual in the summer, this is why!

During hot weather, cats will seek out cooler places to sleep, whether inside or under shady trees and bushes. You may notice that your cat lies flat out on its side – this is to get as much bodily contact with a cool surface as possible.

In extreme heat, some cats may pant to reduce their body heat levels. When a cat pants, it rapidly opens and closes its mouth whilst taking short, fast breaths. This can be a sign your cat is getting too hot, so if this is the case it is a good idea to look for other signs that your cat is at risk of heat stroke.

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Overheated – And How To Help

It is crucial to recognize the signs of overheating in your feline friend, so here are some telltale signs to look out for:

  • Excessive panting
  • Lethargy
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Rapid breathing
  • Dry mouth and gums

If you observe any of these signs in your cat, it’s essential to take immediate action to cool them down. Move them to a cooler environment, provide fresh water, and wipe their fur with a cold damp cloth.

If you need any help, remember that Maven’s vet team is here to lend you a hand! If the symptoms persist or worsen, a visit to the clinic may be needed.

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