1.4 - Cat Conditions

How Heavy Should My Cat Be? Ideal Cat Weight Explained

‘How heavy should my cat be?’ is a question that worries many cat parents. Let’s find out how to check and monitor your cat’s ideal body weight.

How Heavy Should My Cat Be?

The weight of a cat can vary depending on their breed, age, sex, and activity level. In general, a healthy adult cat should weigh between 8 and 10 pounds (3.6 to 4.5 kilograms). However, some larger cat breeds, such as the Maine Coon, can weigh up to 20 pounds (9 kilograms) and still be considered healthy.

How To Tell If Your Cat Is The Ideal Weight

Unfortunately, determining if your cat is the ideal weight is not as simple as popping your feline friend on the scales! Like humans, all cats have different ideal body weights, depending on their breed, size, and age.

To determine if your cat is at a healthy weight, you can do a simple test called a body condition score. This involves feeling your cat’s ribs and spine. If you can easily feel the bones but they are not visible, and your cat has a slight waist and a smooth curve from the ribs to the hips when viewed from above, then your cat is likely at a healthy weight.

How Do You Know If Your Cat Is Underweight Or Overweight?

You can determine whether your cat is underweight or overweight by doing a simple evaluation of their body condition. Here are some guidelines to follow:


  • Ribs and spine are easily felt, with no padding
  • Waistline is prominent when viewed from above
  • Hip bones are visible


  • Ribs and spine are difficult to feel due to a layer of padding
  • Waistline is not visible when viewed from above
  • Excess fat may be visible on the belly, hips, and base of tail

It’s important to note that these guidelines are just a general overview, and some cats may have different body shapes and sizes that affect their appearance. If you’re unsure whether your cat is underweight or overweight, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian. Maven’s vet team is here to lend you a hand! They can provide a more accurate assessment and recommend any necessary changes to your cat’s diet and exercise routine.

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