Aah, the dog days of summer – week after week of hot sultry weather, where we’ll do anything to keep cool! But how do you keep your precious pup cool as a cucumber too?
Let’s take a look at five great safety tips to keep your dog safe during the hottest days of the year!
Dog Days Of Summer: 5 Essential Tips To Keep Your Pup Cool
Keeping your dog cool on the hottest days of the year can be a real struggle! But by taking some simple steps, you can help reduce the risk of dehydration and heat stroke, keeping your canine buddy cool and refreshed.
1: Hydration, Hydration, Hydration!

It may sound obvious, but the simplest way to keep your dog cool is to make sure they drink plenty of water! Your dog will lose far more body water than normal by panting in hot weather. Place multiple water bowls around the house and yard, topping them up regularly with clean cold water.
2: Create Shady Resting Places

While most dogs are sun-seekers at heart, on the hottest days they will want to lie somewhere cool and shady. This could be outdoors, under a tree or patio umbrella, or in the house. Make sure their sleeping spot is well-ventilated and out of direct sunlight on hotter days.
3: Provide A Water Play Zone

Giving your pooch a little pool to splash about in is the perfect way to keep them cool! A child’s paddling pool is ideal – the water just needs to be deep enough to get the legs and belly wet.
4: Cool Down Your Dog’s Bed

Dogs will often seek out cold spots in which to lie down in the summer, such as on a tiled floor. For a more comfortable option, consider giving your dog a damp towel or cooling mat to stretch out on, or pop a few pet-safe ice packs under your dog’s regular bed.
5: Ditch The Exercise!

One of the primary causes of heatstroke in dogs is too much exercise on a hot day. Remember that your dog cannot cool down as efficiently as us humans, so even a little exercise may be too much. Only walk your dog during the coolest hours of the day, or consider ditching the daily walk altogether until temperatures become more bearable.
If you need any other suggestions on how to keep your dog cool in summer, remember that Maven’s vet team are always here to lend you a hand!
Maven Pet focuses on improving the quality of life of our pets with technology, using artificial intelligence (AI) to enable proactive pet care. By accurately collecting and monitoring pet data 24/7 and flagging any irregularities, Maven Pet empowers pet parents and veterinarians to stay ahead of potential health issues, ensuring the well-being and longevity of our beloved companions.